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🌟 Do you feel like the energy in your home isn't quite right? The air feels heavy, and stagnant. You get depressed spending too much time inside.


It’s time for an ENERGY Cleanse!

(Phx Area Only)


🔮 Your home is more than bricks and mortar; it's a vessel

of energy, past and present.


Our energy cleanse helps to facilitate positive changes by removing negative energies, inauspicious tendencies, unconscious patterns, and programs by clearing your house and spaces of negative energy. 


The cleansing includes:

     Sound Work using Solfeiggo Frequencies 


     Door Wash

     Salt/Crystal Protection 


Each cleansing takes between 30-60 minutes.  


Clients will receive follow-up instructions, a smudge stick, and basil and lavender water spritz for aftercare.



Houses up to 2500 sq. ft. - $250

Houses 2501 to 3500 sq. ft. - $350

Houses over 3501 sq. ft. - $500


Package deals are available if you are interested in monthly or quarterly cleansings.  Contact us for details. 

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